Monday, June 27, 2011

A Big Art Journal Update

Welcome back everyone! First I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for being patient while I spent a few weeks in hiatus. I took some much needed rest while taking the antibiotics. I spent over a week in bed relaxing and healing. I can now say I feel back to 100%.

I also want to say thank you for all the WONDERFUL entries to the stencil contest!! I had such a great time looking at all the links and projects, you all did an amazing job! I will be choosing the winners live this Wednesday on my Ustream show at 9:30pm EST.

We now have had three weeks of my Stencil Saturday show and I am having a blast!  Here is project number one:

When you've got a bit of time, you can watch the recording here:

In week number two we focused on using light molding paste to create texture.

I will share the page from this past Saturday tomorrow!

I have been working away in my new "Trash" Journal.  It is loosely based on the K&Company "Smashbook" which is simply a coil bound book of patterned paper.  As I have a *tiny* stash of patterned paper, I thought I'd make my own.

I have been having such a wonderful time working in this!  I call it my Trash Book because I am using a lot of random bits and pieces that I my have thrown away previously. I am also enjoying the process of creating for creating's sake, not putting much thought into the work, not having the pages mean anything as they do in my art journals.  Here are a few examples of how I'm working in it:

As you can see, none of these pages are complete, that is the joy I'm experiencing in this book.  Just focusing on adding a bit here and a bit there.  I hope you try one!

Lastly, here is a sneak peek of things I'm playing with and trying for future Stencil Saturday shows!

I will be back tomorrow with more goodness!
Much LOVE my friends xo


  1. not yelling the awesome paula :-)

  2. Great pages my friend!! Can't wait to see what you have in store with those new pages and who the winners are on Wednesday Night! Congrats to everyone in advance!

  3. Wonderful collection! great to read that you are 100% !

  4. Glad to hear you are feeling well again! You've been busy, love the pages and working on pages the size of scrapbook paper would be great.

  5. Gorgeous backgrounds and pages and paints! I want to do more with this, myself. I love the circles and layers! Glad you are feeling better. I am healing with antibiotics, too. June has been a crazy month, for sure. ~kathy

  6. I'm glad your back and feeling good! Your trash book is awesome :)

  7. Lovely pages... glad you feel better, have a nice peaceful recovery :)


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