Sunday, April 17, 2011

Positive Art Journal Pages

As many of you know, I have been thinking a lot about positivity lately and what it means to me.  I have mentioned many times before that I am a worrier by nature, and suffer from GAD.  Even though the GAD is not going to go away, I can CHOOSE whether I want to worry or not.  I am so sick of worrying and focusing on the negative "what ifs" that constantly flow through my mind.  I have realized that only I can change this.

I need to start saying YES.  Yes to life, yes to friends, yes to love.

The time is now.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all my wonderful followers and friends.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.

Much Love xox
PS... I have made an appointment with my surgeon for this coming Wednesday.  I will keep you all posted!


  1. Great pages Paula! We all need all the positivity we can get! And you are right only you can change the way you view things. It is a daily battle, I know! But I have faith in you!I hope your appointment goes well! :D Thinking positive thoughts for you.

  2. It's a great plan ;) if you need a laugh, you know where I live LOL

  3. Staying positive is a wonderful way to be loving and kind to yourself!

  4. Great pages as usual Paula! You're such an inspiration :) Good luck on Wednesday!

  5. Great pages! We must try to be positive...but it sure feels better when we are. Have a happy week. Kim

  6. Meaby you have to see YES to God.

    Love from Holland, Petra

  7. Beautiful pages, love the colors on them. Mom always told me that worrying will never change the situation, it will only make you feel worse. She said to pray about it and walk away from it. I hope you feel better.

  8. Beautiful, rich pages Paula they come from the richness of your interior life. You've chosen a powerful tool to help you walk out of a place of anxiety, it's one of the most transforming things I know to do for myself as well.

  9. I was thinking of you Paula; you are loved by Jesus Christ, whether you know him or not. He has a plan for you! You are never alone and you are loved!

  10. I also have GAD. I can't seem to get control of it even w/ meds. I'm glad you've found a way to work through it.

  11. I have been so inspired by your art! Thank you for sharing your honesty and beauty through your art...SIncerely Trina

  12. Inspirational pages Paul, I love the bright colours and the messages. Positive thinking is a big part of moving forward. Good luck with the surgeon.

  13. Beautiful pages Paula. I love everything you do. I've just watched your two most recent youtube videos and just love the gesso technique. You are a great teacher - I think I have said this before! - and a great inspiration. Thank you so much for all you share. I hope your ankle will soon feel a lot better. Sheila

  14. I just discovered your blog through Kelly Kilmer. I absolutely love what I have seen of your blog so far--it is the perfect mix of getting to know you and art journaling techniques. Thank you for sharing that you have GAD--it is inspirational to see you work through it to produce such beautiful journal pages. I suffer from depression that most days prevents me from even sitting down to journal but when I do it makes me so much happier. I'm going to follow along with you for a while and see where this positivity thing takes us!!! Cathy


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