Sunday, February 21, 2010

A busy, yet uneventful weekend

I feel like the weekend went by way too fast.  I spent a lot of time in my art room, yet I feel like I didn't accomplish much.  I think I need a week off.  Work has been stressful, and it doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon.  I keep having to remind myself that I chose this job, I'm good at it, and in the end my integrity will prevail.
Anyway, here are a few completed pages:
Due to the stress mentioned above, I've been trying to work it out through journaling.  It's helping, yet I still feel like I'm in a fog.  I found myself sitting at my desk just staring at my pages, unable to get out what was clouding my head.  Not good because then I started doubting what I was doing, doubting the process that has kept me sane thus far.
Tomorrow starts another week.  I must look to it with positivity.  I will be travelling for work again the week after, St. Louis this time, just for a few days.  They have a Dick Blick there, too bad I'm broke.  hehe
Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Much Love!


  1. You do the best backgrounds!! They are just fabulous. Dress warm for St. Louis--I'm in Columbia, MO and it is cold and nasty here!!

  2. I love how you combine elements and layer! Hope the stress level decreases. Traveling must be exciting!

  3. Your pages are amazing! Keep on journaling. :)


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