Sunday, May 23, 2010

A New Journal


My other spiral bound journal is almost full, so I decided it was time to break a new one in.  I have had it for awhile and do not remember the manufacturer, but it is 8.5 x 11. 

The above was my first completed page.  I used acyrlics, all scraped with an old hotel room key.  Lots of vinatage looking images and some random stamping.


I had fun with this page.  This girl is another cut out from the Hong Kong Elle the Man gave me.  So fun.  I used a lot of those printed packing tapes.  Apparently there were quite a few colours/designs, but I was only able to grab 6.  I also used some of my favourite paper tape from 7Gypsies, lots of acrylics and some water colour crayons.  I experimented with scraping white paint over the entire page (before the mag clipping went down) and liked how it turned out.  You can barely see the "crackle" stamp that was in one of my new sets I bought from Tattered Angels, a set designed by Heidi Swapp.  You can see it here, on my Haul video.  :)

State of Denial

The last time I was at Michael's I also bought this lonely 12x12 peice of scrapbook paper with all these mini license plates, this is the second one I've used as they all have different words/sayings on them.  This page is kind of raw for me, represents the rough time I'm going through.  Yellow, red and orange acrylic paints scraped on, random crayon swirls, and that yummy printed packing tape again.  :)

Last, but not least, this spread:


For the typewritten and the gentlemen, I used a pamphlet I got at the hotel while I was in Chicago.  So fun to uses those kind of things!  I started this spread with a Mars black acrylic background.  On top of that I started with a base of three images cut out from Graphic 45 paper and added multiple layers of vintage elements.  There are layers of Sepia and white acrylic paints in between the layers.  You can see the pages seperately on my Flickr page.

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  It's a beautiful day here, but I will be spending it indoors playing with paint.

Much LOVE! xoxo


  1. Lovely and very creative pages Paula! I like them all!

  2. I will be going back to the haul video to drool! I find it interesting that we seem to like most of the same things! I have one bottle of glimmer mist...99 bottles of glimmer mist on the shelf 99 bottles of glimmer mist etc. etc.

  3. Love Love Love the pages : ) Nice and grungy...earthy.

  4. Love the new pages! So full of energy!

  5. have a nice beginning with your new journal!!!

  6. That denial page is intense but I like it

  7. Paula, these journal pages are exquisite! This is my kind of journaling :-) Lovely! Thanks for sharing...makes me want to plunge back into mine!

  8. Paula love your pages, each and everyone! It is always such fun to start a new journal.

  9. Wonderful layers and textures as always Paula and thanks for the product links!!

  10. fabulous pages. love the mini license pl!ates

  11. More truly amazing pages! I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite....I love them all!

  12. Love your pages as always. They have such a raw feel to them.


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