Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Journal Pages

Happy National Scrapbook Day all!

I am celebrating by shopping, of course.  I will post a few pics of my haul later.  Before I share a few new pages in my Moleskine, I want to thank everyone for thier sweet and supportive comments.  My "funk" unfortunately wasn't limited to just my art, it affected every part of my life.  It's a terrible cycle.  I don't do any art because I feel down, but I feel down because I'm not creating any art.  Arghhh!

On to some pages:


I used some gouache for the first time as well as water colours.  I was just playing around, still not quite sure how to use them properly.  ;)  As usual, lots going on here.  I used some glossy accents on the circles of this spread, just because I like something to touch on a page. 

you & me

A page about my Man, and how good he is to me.  I created that little flap of transparency to tuck in a letter.  Lots of hand made stamps and random scrapbook supplies here.  At the last minute I threw on some purple paint with my fingers... not sure how I'm liking it.  :)

Happy May everyone!
Much LOVE  xoxo


  1. These are both great, really like the hand made stamps in the second one. That first spread is over the top great! Everything about it appeals to me, the colours (by the way what were some of the colours you used in this, I'm just ordering some watercolours to try out and love these tones) I know that funks are no fun while you're in them but they are part of fabric of life we will create from in time :-)

  2. Love them both Paula, specially the red one, I think the purple looks perfect on there. I get in those funks far too much myself. :( I just ride them out and eventually everything starts to look brighter again. :)

  3. Hi Paula! Love your pages! My favorite is the top one. My kinda colors and I love butterflies!

  4. i feel ya. i've been in a funk for over a month now...and its only getting worse. ugh. nice pages though!

  5. Love those red pages!!!! Very nice. I get that way when I'm not doing art--down in the dumps--and I kind of wallow in it a short time and then just go make something-anything will make it all better!

  6. Both pages rock!!! I think the purple is a nice touch. I totally know what you mean about the funk cycle. It took me months to realize the reason I felt so bad was because I hadn't made anything in a super long time. It took a few weeks for me to start feeling better after getting back into my journalling.

  7. Both these pages are really amazing! I love how you are using so many things on your pages and they come together so nicely! Rock on girl...I wait..patiently for my funk to lift...sigh..

  8. Loving those pages, you have a way with colour I love colour and the way you use it


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