Sunday, March 14, 2010

I miss my Moleskine

I miss my Moleskine/Play

I must confess.  After working on 20 or so pages in my 8x8 journal (the spiral bound one), I now miss my Moleskine.  I know, I know.  Yes, I was frustrated with it before.  Yes, that freakin binding didn't hold up.  BUT... there was just an intimacy about it.  I could take it everywhere.  It was small enough that I could "just play", as this page suggests, and not feel like I have to make such a huge commitment.

I don't know, maybe it's just because I don't have it here with me... and that distance makes the heart grow stronger.  ;o)

I do have a watercolour Moleskine awaiting.... hmmm.

Much LOVE!


  1. How do you like the spirals? I went from a journal that I could easily do two page spreads on to a spiral bound and I think that has been a challenge! But it has bigger pages and that I like!!

  2. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, Paula. I jsut want to tell you that I love looking at your journal pages!

  3. Finding a journal that's just right is a challenge. I have a couple of moleskines, one of the smaller ones and one of the bigger size, but I mostly like to draw in them. When I do painting or collage I like to work bigger. It's just a matter of preference. Whatever you work in, I love your pages!!

  4. I just finished up my 3rd Moleskine journal and haven't gotten a new one yet. I miss mine too. It doesn't matter which kind I use I alway have a Moleskine going too.

  5. I switched to a spiral journal too (well, one of them, I've got about 5 ongoing ones, lol) I like the way they lie flat. They are messier though with those side holes and paint leaking through the other pages, lol.

  6. I've never owned a moleskine, wonder what I'm missing???

  7. I've started out using a spiral bound. It seemed less intimidating (I reasoned I could just rip a page out if I didn't like, but then decided to keep everything so I could see progress or learn from my own mistakes). I like it. Eventually when I want to do double spreads I may change. For now though, I'm happy.

  8. I do like the size and the band, got to be honest!

  9. I have used all sorts of different notebooks over the years, but having tried my first Moleskine about a year ago I really prefer them. I love the elastic band keeping everything inside nice and neat and I can even place loose ephemera inside or in the pocket and I know it won't go anywhere.


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