Friday, March 5, 2010

One of the boys

One of the boys
Originally uploaded by JournalArtista

Ok, I confess, I'm a smoker. Yes, it's a dirty habit. YES, I know it's bad for me. Yes, I plan on quitting.

That being said I created this page in response the a prompt on Gutter Girlz. I absolutely LOVE this site, probably because I enjoy being in the gutter. ;)

Check it out at: Gutter Girlz

Lots of other art going on in my room right now that I'm excited about. Speaking of being excited, I'm going to be published!!!!! Dreams do come true people!

Much Love!


  1. congratulations,your art is wonderful, you should be published

  2. Way,way Kool on being published.Happy happies.

  3. LOVE the details on this page!! Thanks so much for playing with us, and CONGRATULATIONS on being published!!

  4. wow! very cool page! love all the paint work! Thanks for playing along with us!

  5. I looovveee this, especially the colors! As a former smoker (been quit over 7 years now) you will know when the time comes to quit, don't give up! Congrats on the pub!!

  6. I'll be honest, I AM glad I quit but I still miss it! It's got to be the right time to do it though :)
    Congrats on being published!!

  7. Congrats on the pub! This is amazing! SO much detail!!! Thanks for divin in the Gutter with us!

  8. This is GREAT! I love the layers and the grungy feel to it. The colours are awesome too. Your work is just getting more and more amazing.


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